Sharing is Caring…

I have been listening to Pastor J.D. Farag since 2012. His sermons have blessed be immensely and I feel like he is the most solid preacher I have come across online and in person. He has a gift of understanding prophecy & explaining it in an easy way to understand. He is NOT a sensationalist but delivers Biblical facts. This is so important in today’s world as there are so many people out there who play on the world’s events and embellish them to fit their own agenda and to gain followers.

You can watch J.D. on Youtube, however because of the nature of his strong messages Youtube often flags him so he can only share a portion of his weekly sermons on that platform. He has his own FREE app now where you can watch his full messages without interruption and I highly encourage you to download it. The link below will take you there and to the message you came here to listen to.

To watch the full episode that breaks down Donald Trump being a deceiver you can click HERE.

I hope this blesses you.

Stacy Renee~