The ROOTED Prayer Journal is Here!

This is it!


Do you ever wonder why you can't hear God? You pray and pray and pray, yet it feels like he's a million miles away? Do you know people that seem to know him effortlessly? They Know his path for their life and follow it with grander. They always seem to be so sure. How can they be so sure? Has God sent them a personalized road map? Surely God cannot pick and choose those who he speaks
too, like 8th grade girls who run in the popular crowd, can, he?

Over the years, the one thing that people have expressed to me is this statement right here: "I wish I could hear God the way you do. I wish he would speak to me as loud and clearly as he does to you". The entire premise of this book/journal is to hopefully shed some light on this subject and to help you break down the walls that might be standing in between you and the most amazing relationship you will ever have, in this life and the next. It's time to get intentional and to find the adventure in following Jesus!

I just don’t know where to start!

Do you sit down to the read the Bible but just don’t know where to start? Sometimes the words jump off the page while other times you have to re-read the same verse 100 times and still can’t make sense of it?

The whole thing feels overwhelming. Do you sometimes feel like God thinks less of you because you can’t seem to understand his word. (hint, he doesn’t).

Do you feel like you want to grow in your relationship and you want to hear from God? Does it feel like others hear from him so effortlessly and you have no idea if he is speaking to you or not?

How about prayer? Do you struggle with how to pray or how often? Do you sit down to pray and find you just can’t find the right words?

How’s your obedience? Are you following what God is calling you to do? Or is that word all together foreign to you?

What about finding your identity in Christ? What does that mean and how do you find it? Or, how can you grow stronger and be bolder in this?

How about Prophecy? Is Jesus coming back soon? Are we living in the end times? How would we know this? Are you feeling an urgency to tell people about this but don’t know how or where to start?


I feel You!

If you said yes to any of this or maybe all of it, I feel you my friend. Growing your relationship with God is so rewarding but it also has to be intentional. And if you are anything like me, and can be distracted by every squirrel that runs by, you need direction, something to make it fun, and engaging and something that prompts you to be intentional.

Over the years I have purchased prayer journals or downloadable studies, and have always been left a little disappointed. Although I am always grateful to the authors for their time and their heart behind it, it just was never quite what I was looking for.

God placed this idea in my heart about a month ago and what happened next is nothing short of a miracle. I believe that this is his journal. And I am so excited to use it right along with you! Like the printing company can not print it fast enough!!!!

I am so completely humbled by what God has done with this journal. I believe it’s going to help all of us take our relationship with God and his son Jesus further. It’s going to be an adventure that I hope all of you will take with me!

Are you ready to take this journey together?

Below is an outline of what you will be getting with the pre-order and what to expect in the Rooted Prayer Journal.


Prayer Journal Outline.

Because value is important to me, I want to make sure you know exactly what you are getting. So here is the breakdown:

  1. A calendar section ( You add the dates so it can be used all year round) This is a place where you can keep track of important faith based events. Bible studies, in-person or online church services, special lives, or anything you want to keep track of!

  2. A Notes section: Everyone needs a space to jot down notes.

  3. Your own personal Prayer wall. Who are you praying for, what are your needs? In this section you will also be prompted with challenges and much more! Prayer is so important when it comes to a conversational relationship with Jesus!

  4. 6 scripture studies. We will deep dive into 6 topics and how to apply them to your life. This section has questions, and prompts.

  5. Color-coding. I will teach you how to color code your Bible for easy reference and understanding.

  6. Identity study. How to find your identity in Christ or how to be more bold for Christ. There are prompts and questions here as well.

  7. How to hear Gods voice. There are testimonies in this section as well as prompts, questions and a confirmation checklist. Don’t worry I explain how to use the checklist to make sure you are discerning Gods voice over your own.

  8. Obedience section. What is God asking you to do? How do we step into obedience with Christ even when it’s scary. We take a deep dive into this, and it’s so good! Questions, and prompts here too.

  9. Watchwomen section. What does it mean to be called to this position, and how to step into with boldness. There are questions and prompts as well as a section for current events, and Bible Prophecy. This will help you understand todays events and what it means for Jesus’s return.

  10. Although this is a journal, I have included portions of my unpublished book in each introduction. This will give you a understanding of what each section is about, with scripture to back it up and testimonies to help you understand how God might be working in your life. So it’s kind of a two for one!
