Weekly Affirmations



Connect Daily with the Heart of God

Spending time with God each day is about connecting with Him. It's not about getting through a certain amount of scripture , it's about spending some quality time talking with Him. In my devotional time I may just listen to music or I'll read scripture or a passage from a book. My point is this, simply do whatever brings you back to your heart and the heart of God. Listen for Him to speak to you. I'll say it again, the whole point of a devotional life is connecting with God. Connect with Him today. ~ Bob Pope (My dad)


Break Free!

As Christians, we often set constraints in our lives without even realizing it. There is so much more that God could do through us if we didn't set constraints. Jesus said:" All things are possible to Him who believes." Mark 9:23
What He is saying is My grace in you can go far beyond the borders you set up. How many times have you heard Christians say something to the effect of : I sure would like to see this or that happen but I doubt it will. You have just set up a constraint on God's unlimited power and Grace. These boundaries- constraints- decide how much we will partake of God's unlimited supply of possibilities. God is standing by asking: why aren't you tapping into the potential I've placed within you? Paul prayed in Ephesians 1:19 ...what is the immeasurable and unlimited and surpassing greatness of His power in and for us, who believe... Notice all of the power is IN US! It's not power we might periodically get from Him but it's His power that is in us already. Tap into that power and Grace and break up your constraints!

~Bob Pope (aka my dad)